Sunday, July 22, 2018

Self Heal • Talking the First Steps Towards Wellness

Self Heal
Prunella Vulgaris

My first use of Self Heal was as a flower essence. Flower essences are different than other plant medicines, as they are solar infusions, not extracts, and they work more on the emotional level than physical. (which will have to be discussed in another post!)

I met Self Heal right in the beginning of my journey in learning about medicinal plants. I was so intrigued by this little plant that graced lawns with its subtle beauty. When I took the time to really examine each little flower— how they each emerged from their tiny cavity, and the little folds and hairs that gave the flower spike structure— I was enthralled. How have I never seen this plant before?? I was suddenly seeing it everywhere!

God gives us good medicine in His timing; He leads us on the journey of healing if we are willing.

As a flower essence, Self Heal is often used at the start of a journey towards healing. It is used when the individual lacks desire to make the necessary steps towards health, or when they rely on external voices and sources too much. While relying on external sources can be wisdom, it can also lead to a lot of confusion, and even cause more problems if we are not discerning about the source. So much of health and wellness information is rooted in marketing, bias, or just someone else’s personal journey. Just because one person (or even hundreds of people!) had a healing journey look a certain way, does not mean that it will look the same for you.

When we come to God for healing, He will lead us on a journey of holistic healing. He is the only one who can truly multitask!

The journey He has led me on has often been difficult and led to delving into areas I have not wanted to work on, but He has been faithfully there alongside; equipping, strengthening, and healing along the way, many times through unlikely sources and circumstances!

A few years back I was in a women’s group focused on emotional healing. We each had identified some lie that was hindering our growth or healing. Mine was: “my boundaries don’t matter.” We asked the Holy Spirit: “what is the truth You want to reveal in this area?” We sat in silence, and just listened. Almost immediately I heard, “Jesus is a gentleman.” This truth has transformed so much of the way I see healing. He challenges me, He calls me, He pursues me, but He is always a gentleman. He waits for me to step towards Him, to take the first step in the journey. He is right there, but He never forces His agenda on me.

We have to come to a place where we are willing to embark on the journey, to be patient in His process and timing, and take the first step!


  1. SOOOO good... i want this plant!

  2. Thanks Katie! This is pretty relevant to me right now, although I don't even know what the first steps are... Maybe I should track down some Self-Heal. I didn't know about its use as a flower essence : )



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